At this time, Kathryn's work has been funded by her own funds and from performances and appearances. We need support from people like you who appreciate the work that I'm doing. I am determined to keep the songs acessible to all who need it, so I keep the materials free where it's needed!
Did you know?
- Most of Kathryn's appearances have been volunteer and community serving?
- Kathryn's work is now reaching educators around the coutntry?
- All Kathryn earns goes directly back into funding this work.
Please consider supporring this important work to:
- Produce and publish the music and work
- Make the work easier to get to with my own branded app (250 a month or 3 k for the year)
- Consult with educators, parents and others.
- Pay current communications fairy/ helper
- Enhance the fancy technology I am using to make this work get into your pockets!
- Gain a team of professionals to help me propel this work.
At this time (2023), every bit of any money I have made has gone directly into funding this work and it is still pretty expensive to do what I do.
Folks like you who find value in my music and want to see it produced and published have asked to contribute. Thank you!
I appreciate your support.
🌱Patron Supporter 20 & ✨Fairy Dust Flinger!
At this time, Kathryn's work has been funded by her own funds and from performances and appearances. We need support from people like you who appreciate the work that I'm doing. I am determined to keep the songs acessible to all who need it, so I keep the materials free where it's needed!
Did you know?
- Most of Kathryn's appearances have been volunteer and community serving?
- Kathryn's work is now reaching educators around the coutntry?
- All Kathryn earns goes directly back into funding this work.
Please consider supporring this important work to:
- Produce and publish the music and work
- Make the work easier to get to with my own branded app (250 a month or 3 k for the year)
- Consult with educators, parents and others.
- Pay current communications fairy/ helper
- Enhance the fancy technology I am using to make this work get into your pockets!
- Gain a team of professionals to help me propel this work.
At this time (2023), every bit of any money I have made has gone directly into funding this work and it is still pretty expensive to do what I do.
Folks like you who find value in my music and want to see it produced and published have asked to contribute. Thank you!
I appreciate your support.