We are so excited to kick off this exciting event series! We have been building out pages for each teacher on our website, can you please check here:https://www.kathrynpara.com/team-yoga to make sure your info is correct? If not please let us know so we can update. We need all information by COB on Wednesday so we can proceed with publishing and posting. Fill out twice if needed or email Christina and Kathryn at frolic@kathrynpara.com if that is easier!
Togetherly Studios has assumed all upfront costs for this engagement, this includes: floor covering, chairs, some mats, blocks, blankets, and refreshments. We are guaranteeing each teacher the first $150 of sales for the event they are teaching. We ask that you please help us promote this as much as possible. We will also be doing promotions of our own and we can't wait to collaborate on this!